Research Institute of Urology

After 28 days, you will forget that you have ever suffered from urinary incontinence — a result confirmed by independent medical studies.

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Good morning!

I am professor Anthony Harper and I am a scientist, a specialist in the field of urology and andrology with 17 years of experience. On this page, I want to tell you about my biggest professional achievement I was nominated for the prestigious Wolf Prize for. I created a remedy that quickly and effectively relieves pain and burning sensation during urination, seals the urinary system, relieves pressure on the urethra, increases the time between visits to the toilet by 5 times and allows you to regain control of the bladder. Thanks to my unique system, you can enjoy life again in just 28 days!

Therefore, if NO chemical pills or use of scalpel sounds interesting to you to:

  • seal the bladder immediately after applying the method;
  • strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by 87.7%;
  • increase the time between visits to the toilet by 3 hours;
  • eliminate constant bladder pressure after 7 days;
  • instantly get rid of wet spots on underwear;
  • eliminate bad smell;
  • and just enjoy life again.

Remember that all this can be achieved without resorting to complex and dangerous procedures and without waiting for an appointment with specialists for several years. You no longer have to spend thousands of zlotys on harmful chemical pills that still do not bring the expected results. If you want to deal with urinary incontinence in the way that I want to tell you about, be sure to read what I have to tell you.

It doesn't matter how long you have been fighting bloating, how old you are, or how advanced your disease is. It does not matter that the specialist told you that the only solution is a difficult and painful procedure, which is not a guarantee of recovery. I want you to know that in just 28 days, you will forget what incontinence is. You will be able to laugh, sneeze and enjoy everyday pleasures without fear.

Why is my formula better than chemical pills?

  • It increases the time between separate visits to the toilet up to 5 times;
  • Combination of only natural active ingredients does not cause side effects and is 100% safe for the body;
  • It seals the urinary system within a few days after the first application;
  • the formula is very easy to use, everyone can use it at home;
  • saves money since you no longer need to spend monstrous amounts on chemicals or visits to specialists.

I created a natural remedy that will permanently eliminate your leaking problems.

Thanks to my bio-stimulating formula, you will forget what shame and humiliation are. You will never see wet spots on your underwear again, and you will not have to hold back from laughing or sneezing. You will no longer avoid intimacy with a partner, and diapers will become just a nightmare memory. You will get rid of the unpleasant smell and finally be able to stay for many hours in a place without access to the toilet.

Finally, you will be able to take long walks or laugh out loud at a comedy you have watched at the cinema. Finally, you will be able to wear light-colored trousers without worrying about urine drops on them. You will enjoy spending time with family and friends. You will get back to cycling, running, swimming, and maybe even enrolling in ballroom dancing classes. And all this is possible thanks to my innovative formula. How did I create it?

I wanted to help my wife

According to the latest statistics, the problem of urinary incontinence affects almost 50% of the entire population. Women are more likely to suffer from this embarrassing condition than men. Most people underestimate the first signs. They blame age for this and explain to themselves that this is how it should be in old age. This is complete nonsense! Urinary incontinence is a problem that young people face, too. Untreated symptoms can lead to serious consequences and damage to health, so you should start addressing the problem as soon as the first symptoms appear!

Unfortunately, uncontrolled urination also affected my wife. At first, she hid it from me, but one day I saw diapers in the bathroom, which she forgot to put in the closet. I asked her why she had bought them and she just burst into tears. She told me that she did not feel like a real woman, that she was embarrassed to go out in public, and that this constant headache when I tried to approach her was due to the fact that she did not want me to see her in diapers. I was sorry that until now she had been struggling with this problem all by herself.

It was very dangerous for her!

Worst of all, my beloved wife got depressed. She was very reserved and refused to talk to anyone. Whenever I tried to contact her in any way, she would close the door in front of my face. She would spend all day at home, it got to the point when she was fired from her job because she had stopped visiting the place. But that was only the beginning of our problems...

A specialist I myself had made an appointment with and persuaded my wife to go to for about a week told us a terrible diagnosis. It turned out that untreated urinary incontinence can be accompanied by the need to undergo complex and painful procedures. Of course, no one could give us a 100% guarantee that the procedure would be successful. My Jules would then have to wear a catheter for the rest of her life...

How did I create the Incontinence Remedy?

I had to help my wife get rid of this embarrassing condition and restore her ability to enjoy life again. I wanted her to smile again and be happy. I wanted her to talk to me the way she used to before she got incontinent. I even missed her chatter when I just wanted to relax after a long day at work, and she would tell me what happened to her while shopping in the store. And then the thought came to me: “I am a scientist. I have created many medicines for various diseases, why not develop a new formula for the treatment of urinary incontinence”? And that was when I started my research...

For 13 months, I locked myself in the laboratory to conduct intensive tests. I had one goal — to create a product based solely on natural substances. Until now, there have been no remedies that could cope with uncontrolled urination. Now, thanks to my unique product, the elimination of urinary incontinence has become possible!

I immediately sent the product to international studies, and they confirmed its effectiveness: it received a result of 98.9%. After 28 days of testing, participants completely got rid of urinary incontinence, regardless of age, type of disease and its severity; decreased pressure on the urethra, resulting in 93% fewer visits to the toilet. They eliminated the hypersensitivity of the bladder at the nanocellular level, which increased the time between urination by 5 times. I indiscreetly confess that during the trials, my treatment helped many volunteers struggling with the problem of urinary incontinence.

Amazing results

My wife felt a significant difference after 1 use of the product. She was glad she did not have to check her pants from time to time for fear of another stain on them. And that was just the beginning of the amazing results. In the days that followed, she was finally able to stay for long hours without access to a toilet, and halfway through her treatment, her diaper panties ended up in the bin.

I was happy that after many months of constant sadness, a smile appeared on her face again. I felt that my laughing Jules, whom I had missed so much, was slowly coming back to me. During one of the Sunday dinners, she turned to me and squeezed my hand tightly: “Darling, you have no idea how happy I am. Thank you for being with me during these difficult times, for not giving up when I was really mean to you. Thanks to you, I forgot what urinary incontinence is. I hope this formula will help thousands of people who are still struggling with the same problem as me. I will never forget it!"

Jules is finally not afraid of uncontrolled urination. She enjoys life again, every moment of it.

Until recently, even complex and painful procedures were not a guarantee of getting rid of the problem of urinary incontinence once and for all. Now, with my unique formula, uncontrolled urination will just be a bad memory.

Let me introduce you to the effects of my innovative remedy. I will try to explain the whole process in a way that anyone, even non-scientists, can understand.

It instantly seals the urinary system and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles by as much as 87.7%!

There are several types of urinary incontinence: stress incontinence, overflow incontinence, imperative incontinence and mixed incontinence. The appearance of this annoying disease is primarily associated with the lifestyle that you lead, with previous diseases, with ongoing procedures in the genital and urinary tract. If the problem is not addressed, it can lead to other diseases, such as frequent constipation or diseases of the nervous system.

Unfortunately, the problem will not resolve itself. The bladder will not work properly without proper help. You cannot hesitate, you cannot live in a toilet and pretend that everything is fine. You cannot isolate yourself from people and stay at home. You just cannot live like this.

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles by as much as 87.7%

That is why I set a goal for myself to create a method that seals the bladder, reduces pressure on the urethra, and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles by up to 87.7%. And I did it! I developed a unique product and named it Detonic.

The combination of only natural substances made it possible to increase the capacity of the bladder and stop its uncontrolled contractions. The combination of herbal extracts also helps fight infections that may have arisen from bacterial growth when urine has been in the bladder for a long time. Remember that it is very important to use my remedy regularly. Only in this way will you have a chance to get rid of the problem of urinary incontinence.

Why was my formula called "incontinence remedy"?



Leaky and distended bladder with urine dropping. This is due to a violation of the contractility of the detrusor, which leads to excessive filling of the bladder.


The bladder is sealed, the functional work of the sphincter apparatus of the urethra begins.

Until recently, this may have seemed impossible, but my wife’s case and thousands of other satisfied customers confirms the effectiveness of my method. In addition, the effect of the product on urinary incontinence has also been unquestionably proven by the German research center in Berlin. This is a great international discovery, the effect of which is surprising to prominent specialists in the field of urology.

Very often, I also receive letters from people who are satisfied with the results of my treatment. This fills me with great joy and pride!


My formula is based on natural ingredients and has no side effects. I combined several herbal extracts that are guaranteed to be 98.9% effective. The formula is very easy to use, just wash it down with a glass of mineral water. Then wait for the effects that will appear after the first application of the product. Urinary incontinence will become a sad memory, and you will be able to enjoy life again!

All your friends and family, who are used to the fact that you constantly refuse to go somewhere with them, will be surprised to see that you appear everywhere in bright clothes and laugh fearlessly at every joke.

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You should not miss the chance to get rid of the annoying disease and regain the joy of life!

You can still fight the problem of urinary incontinence by taking chemical pills that will not bring the results declared by the manufacturer. You also have an option to opt for a painful and complicated procedure that cannot guarantee recovery. But you can also choose my formula that will allow you to quickly, easily and cheaply get rid of problems with uncontrolled urination. In just 28 days, you can join the ranks of happy shoppers who got rid of incontinence and are now enjoying life to the fullest.

You risk nothing!

By choosing my remedy, you will almost immediately get rid of the problem of urinary incontinence and heal the bladder. In addition, you absolutely do not risk anything, because my product is covered by a triple guarantee: satisfaction, quality and authenticity.

Triple guarantee

  • 1. Satisfaction Guarantee. Numerous consumer tests confirm Detonic superior performance. Based on these results, the product received the recognition of specialists from all over the world, who now recommend it to their patients. They are convinced that in 28 days, you will get rid of the annoying problem and be able to laugh, sneeze and cough without fear.
  • 2. Quality Guarantee. Detonic formula meets the highest quality standards thanks to natural ingredients. With your health and well-being in mind, the ingredients were selected in the right proportions so that you can rediscover the joy of life.
  • 3. Authenticity Guarantee. The effectiveness of the treatment is confirmed by tests at the renowned Institute of Urology and Andrology in London. This is the only such innovative therapy method. Therefore, you can be sure that you will receive an original product, available only through this website.

Forget about frequent visits to the toilet, diapers and constant pressure on the bladder – get rid of the annoying disease in just 28 days!

Major medical device concerns from Norway and Germany are already convinced of the effectiveness of Detonic and are literally fighting for a patent for my natural formula that eliminates the problem of urinary incontinence. If I decide to resell the patent, the remedy will be available internationally, but its price will certainly not be low.

Before that happens, I decided to first make it available in my country at a 50% discount. It is very important for me to help as many Englishmen as possible to deal with uncontrolled urination.

Therefore, you should take advantage of this opportunity as soon as possible. Ordering my formula does not require any complicated steps. No need to send money online or pay by card. All you need to do is fill out a very simple form and in a few days, you will receive a package with Detonic, which you will pay for upon receipt.

Thank you for your time and I wish you happiness and joy in your new life. In just 28 days, you will be able to not visit toilet for long hours, sneeze freely and laugh at your favorite comedy, nothing will limit you anymore.

Professor Anthony Harper

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